I am SO grateful for this two things…

Nov 30, 2018Stories, Video


If you don't have those relationships yet, go to events, start meeting people and then keep up with them. Start talking to them, ask them how their business is doing.

Hey, it's Monica and I'm at the playground with my Kiddo because my nanny is sick today and this happens, right? And I'm so grateful that I do the kind of work that I do because I get to chill and spend my afternoon to the playground.

There are things that I'm super grateful for today. So just wanted to take a minute to say, “I'm super grateful.” One of them is my phone. I'm doing my live from my phone. I have been texting and talking on my phone kind of the entire time I'm at the playground, which you might think like, “Oh, that's kinda skipping the point of the playground.” But I'm still playing with my kid and I get to do my business when I really was supposed to be working all day. And, I actually have a ton to do so I feel a little slow down but not completely stopped because I have this great little device. So thank you to all the people who have put so much work into creating smartphones and all the apps because it's been amazing.

And the second thing I'm grateful for is my friends. I have been having so many amazing things coming my way in between client referrals. And, I'm going to get to help all these different kinds of businesses and I'm super excited because I have a huge enough network to call people when I need help because here's the thing, I don't know everything, neither do you, neither does anybody. But I'm pretty sure I know how to find out anything because I have the biggest network and I have cultivated these relationships over years. So if you don't have those relationships yet, go to events, start meeting people and then keep up with them. Start talking to them, ask them how their business is doing.

I have a friend, Brad, who has this amazing system. He puts it in Asana to remind himself to keep up with people when he wants to know what's going on with them. So certain people is on like a two week schedule. Certain people are like a month schedule and I'm going to start implementing that because I'm just pretty good naturally at that. But with all these new people coming into my world, I'm going to need a system, so I'm going to steal Brad's, so thanks Brad for that system. I use Trello. I don't use Asana but same concept, so I hope you have a great Friday. Have a great weekend and I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.