Anytime you put out marketing to your audience, it's either going to go well or it's not, either way, you're learning something, They're both telling you something about what your audience wants. And that is always good feedback.
[I don't know which way my hand's supposed to be.] So I am at my aunt's house and we're having fun in Thanksgiving and I have been watching these Friday sales, I'm sorry, Black Friday sales. I taught a group of people how to do one with a program called Engineering Black Friday and then another group that I'm really involved in taught a different email sequence. And so, what's been fun is that I've seen a lot of people do this and I'm seeing people succeed so crazily well, and I'm seeing people fail- I'm seeing them get one sale or no sales or is not doing well.
And here's what I've noticed, a couple of things, the people who aren't doing well, they seem to not have a good flow. Something about their path is confusing. So be sure to think about that when you're putting together a sale, even if it's just a straight email sale, it's still cannot confuse your buyer. Okay?
And then the second thing I've noticed is that most of them have an amazing attitude. And that's what I really wanted to share, is that, even though they're not doing great in sales, they're taking it all as a big learning opportunity, right? So anytime you put out marketing to your audience, it's either going to go well or it's not, either way, you're learning something, right? So if it goes well, that's amazing. Keep doing it, right? But if it's failing, then you know, your audience doesn't respond to that and you can chalk it up to try it if It doesn't work right? Both are good, right? They're both telling you something about what your audience wants. And that is always good feedback.
What you don't want is like middle of the road. I get frustrated when promotions are just like ‘okay'. If it bombs well that was clear and if it was amazing, that was clear. But middle of the road is like, “Oh, does the offer just needs more work or is it the wrong audience?” It's just a lot harder to problem solve but it's not impossible. So don't give up.
Even if you've got something that's in the middle of the road, figure out what stuff it was missing. Think about the path that the consumer goes on from the beginning of your product to the end and just figure out what step might be missing in their thought process, not yours. You're probably way too familiar with it. So ask somebody else to ask a friend. Something we always did or I still do when programming is that if I go to explain something to someone and I'll normally work out the problem that I'm having before I finished the explanation because the act of explaining something to someone, it makes you think through the process in a whole different way. So when you have to explain it, you think about it differently, so try that the next time that you're stuck or you sort of don't know what to do.
I'll keep you posted tomorrow. All the black sale things and maybe Monday. So I'll probably update you either Monday or Tuesday. But it's been so fun to watch. So it's also been fun to watch the ones who were going like gangbusters and doing so well. That's it for today. I hope you have a happy Saturday and I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.