Apple – Allow or Ask App not to Track?

Apple – Allow or Ask App not to Track?

🍎 For all my non-marketing friends that have an iPhone or iPad and are starting to see apps asking you to not track or allow tracking, I’m going to attempt to explain what this means. First, I’m not here to persuade — only to educate. So you can make an informed...

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How to Make $1200 in the Next Few Hours

How to Make $1200 in the Next Few Hours

I want to talk to you a little bit about how to make $1,200 in the next few hours. 🤑 You might think I'm a little crazy, but hear me out... So, here's what I want you to do... I want you to get out your computer or your phone or whatever and... #1 - I want you to look...

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Hi! I'm Monica.


Hi, I’m Monica Snyder and I help solopreneurs turn into CEOs by using “Super Systems”.

I’ve helped over 38,244 entrepreneurs scale their business using email marketing, software, and systems and I’d love to help you too!